
Beat the Back to School Blues

Beat the Back to School Blues

Were you enjoying knocking off 15 minutes from your morning commute? Starting to appreciate the trade-off between two hundred and three flies (your fly swat went on an assassination mission 8-10 times a day but They. Just. Kept. Coming. Back.) for a little warmer weather? Okay warmer rain.  Then you noticed the calendar actually creeping […]

Did you know? These Paws Were Made for Walking

Did you know? These Paws Were Made for Walking

We all know how important it is to walk our dogs on the daily but sometimes we aren’t just as excited about it as they are. If you’re needing that nudge out the door, check out these benefits waiting for your dog.. if you just let them lead you down the garden path.   1. […]

Feeding tips for your dog!

Feeding tips for your dog!

We believe sticking to one type of food is best for your dog. It allows your dog to get use to a diet and may help regulate their digestive system. Unless instructed by your vet, do not add any supplements to your dog’s diet or food.